Hongfang Lu


Hongfang Lu


2006.03 - 2012.05

Ph.D. of Literature

School of Foreign Languages,

Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

1995.09 - 1998.06

Master of Arts M.A

School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, China

1991.09 - 1995.06

Bachelor of Arts B.A.

School of Foreign Languages, Henan University, China

Work Experience

2012.07 – Associate Professor, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, China

2013.04-2019.05 Post Doctorate, Henan University, China

2015.03 - 2016.03 Visiting Scholar, School of Arts and Science, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

1998.07-2006.03 Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou University, China



1.Temporal Narrative Structures of Lyrical Poemspublished in Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Science and Technology, by Hongfang Lu, 2001.02

2.A Cognitive Study of Ergative Construction in Englishpublished in Teaching of Foreign Languages, by Yuhong Xie and Hongfang Lu, 2006.04

3.Storyworlds: Transgression and Interaction_ On the Transmediality of Digital Narrativespublished in Journal of Henan Social Sciences, by Hongfang Lu and Xiaoling Gao, 2010.06

4.Narrative Genres and Narrative Strategies inThe Stone Diariespublished in Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages, by Hongfang Lu and Quansheng Hu, 2011.04

5.On the Multiplicity of Narrating Subjects and Identity Construction inThe Stone Diariespublished in Foreign Languages and Literature, by Hongfang Lu, 2011.05

6.Listen to the Other Side of Silence: the Metafictional Paradox and the Feminist Breakthrough in Carol Shields’sUnlesspublished in Frontiers of Narrative Studies (FNSVol.1), by Hongfang Lu, 2014.10

7. [New Development in Digital Narratology] published in Frontiers of Narrative Studies (FNSVol.2), by Hongfang Lu, 2017.11

8.The Origin and Evolution of Contemporary Western Feminist Narratologypublished in Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages, by Jie Wu and Hongfang Lu, 2020.01


1. New Horizon College English: Reading and Writing 3, coedited with Quansheng Hu etc., Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2008.02

2.Academic Writing for College Students, coedited with Guihua Liu, Difei Jia, Huimin Li and Xiaozheng Li, Beijing: Economy and Publishing House, 2015.11


1. Yuhong Xie & Hongfang Lu. [Sew Fabulous Fabric] Henan Science and Technology Publishing House, 2009.10

2. [Empathy and the 1970s Novels by Third World Women], published in Shandong Foreign Language Teaching, written by Sue J. Kim, trans. by Hongfang Lu, 2018.06

Application status of scientific research projects:

1. Topic: [the study of the Carol Shields’s novels in view of postclassical narratology], the Henan Provincial Department of Education Humanities and Social Sciences funding project, 2013-2015

2. Topic: [liminal narratives in short story cycles by Canadian women writers], the Henan Provincial Department of Education Humanities and Social Sciences funding project, 2019-2022

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