报告题目:Selberg's central limit theorem and its generalization
报告人:Yuk-KamLau(香港大学 副教授、博士生导师)
Zoom会议 ID:998 8697 4612 密码:877319
个人简介:Yuk-Kam Lau,香港大学副教授、博士生导师。1999年获得香港大学博士学位,同年进入香港大学工作。1999-2001年在法国南锡一大嘉当研究所从事博士后研究工作。刘旭金教授的研究工作涉及解析数论、自守形式和L-函数等多个领域,至今已在国际数学刊物上发表50多篇论文。
Abstract: The Selberg central limit theorem asserts that under an appropriate normalization, the error term in the zero counting formula is normally distributed. We shall give a brief review on this result and some known generalizations to L-functions. Then we shall discuss our recent work, jointly with Guohua Chen and Yingnan Wang, for the L-functions associated to GL(n) Hecke-Maass cusp forms.
上一条:学术报告会:我的学习科研经历下一条:学术报告会:A parallel operator splitting algorithm for solving constrained total-variation retinex