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学术报告会: An investigation of a modified Benjamin-Bona-Mahoney equation

2019年04月22日 04:04 点击:[]

报告人:ChaudryMasood Khalique(南非西北大学 教授、博士生导师)




Chaudry Masood Khaliquereceived his PhD degrees from the University of Dundee, UK. He worked in theUniversity of Botswana for 7 years and later moved to North-West University.Presently he is a full professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Hehas supervised 8 PhD’s, 18Masters, and mentored 7 postdoctoral fellows.His research interests are in Liegroup analysis of differential equations. He has published more than 200research articles and delivered plenary talks at many internationalconferences. He is on the Editorial boards of 10 international journals. He isa Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa and the Institute of Mathematicsand its Applications, UK, and member of Academy of Science of South Africa,London Mathematical Society, South African Mathematical Society, and Societyfor Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA.

下一条:学术报告会:Traveling wave and multi-wave solutions of a class of higher-order nonlinear wave equations

