Basic Information:
Qing Wei
Born inApr.1990, Ph.D.,
Scientific Research:
Multiphase flow and separation techniques
Sep, 2016 - Jun, 2020Doctor in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, China University of Petroleum-Beijing
Sep, 2013- Jun, 2016 Master inChemical Process Machanics, China University of Petroleum-Beijing
Sep, 2009- Jun, 2013Bachelor inProcess Equipment and Control Engineering, Zhengzhou University, China
Scientific Research Experience:
National Natural Science Foundation Research,Experiment and simulation on the vortex length and the maximum-efficiency height of a gas cyclone,2016-2017, participation.
2、National Natural Science Foundation Research,Study on maximum-efficiency gas velocity and optimum design of a gas cyclone,2018-2022, participation.
Representative Publications:
[1]WeiQing,SunGuogang,GaoCuizhi. Numerical analysis on axial gas flow in cyclone separators with different vortex finder diameters and inlet dimensions. Powder Technology, 2020, 369: 321-333.(SCI)
[2]WeiQing, SunGuogang Sun, YangJingxuan.A model for predictionmaximum-efficiency inlet velocity in a gas-solid cyclone separator.Chemical Engineering science, 2019, 204:287-297.(SCI)
WeiQing,SunGuogang,JiaoYunnan Jiao.The effect of inlet shape on separation performance and flow-field characteristics in a gas-solid cyclone separator.Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019,e2339. (SCI)
ZhangYongmin,WeiQing. CPFD simulation of bed-to-wall heat transfer in a gas-solids bubbling fluidized bed with an immersed vertical tube.Chemical Engineering and Processing:Process Intensification. 2017, 116: 17-28.(SCI)
[5]WeiQing,ZhangYongmin, Xiuying Yao.CPFD simulation of bed-to-wall heat transfer in a gas-solids bubbling fluidized bed with an immersed vertical tube.Chemical Engineering and Processing Journal.2016, 67(5): 1732-1740.(EI)