中国管理科学与工程学会能源环境管理分会理事。主持或参与国家社会科学基金一般项目1项、河南省软科学重点项目1项、河南省软科学一般项目1项、河南省哲学社会科学规划项目2项、河南省教育厅人文社科青年项目1项,相关成果以第一作者(或通讯作者)在《Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments》《International Journal of Emerging Markets》《Frontiers in Psychology》等期刊发表论文10多篇,其中被SSCI收录3篇,SCI收录2篇。主要教授的课程包括:《营销调研》,《电子商务》,《文献检索与论文写作》等。
[1]Business ecosystem model innovation based on Internet of Things big data[J]. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,2023,57.(SCI,第一作者)
[2]Artificial intelligence-based organizational human resource management and operation system [J]. Frontiers in Psychology,2022,13.(SSCI,第一作者)
[3]Study on Spatiotemporal Features and Factors Influencing the Urban Green Total Factor Productivity in the Yellow River Basin under the Constraint of Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction[J]. Processes,2023,11(3).(SCI,第一作者)
[4]Research on the Ecological Innovation Efficiency of the Zhongyuan Urban Agglomeration: Measurement, Evaluation and Optimization" Sustainability 15, no. 19: 14236.(SSCI,第一作者)
[5]The impact of artificial intelligence technology stimuli on smart customer experience and the moderating effect of technology readiness[J]. International Journal of Emerging Markets,2022,17(4).(SSCI,第3,通讯作者)
[6] Research on the Dynamics and Mechanism of Co-evolution of Business Ecosystem from a Platform Perspective(国际期刊论文,第一作者)