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" $Dalton Transactionsz Structure, photoluminescent and cathodoluminescent properties of a rare-earth free red emitting beta-Zn3B2O6:Mn2+ phosphorg h i j k l o!q b Photoluminescence of green-emitting Ca7(PO4)2(SiO4)2:Eu2+ phosphor for white light emitting diodes& ' * + , - 1 2 3 4 7!9 Optical Materials ExpressH Color-tunable LaCaAl3O7:Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphors for UV light-emitting diodes    ! !! Materials Research BulletinN Synthesis of Hexagonal Prism (La, Ce, Tb)PO4 Phosphors by Precipitation Method+ ,Crystal Growth & Design Tunable luminescence Y3Al5O12:0.06Ce3+, xMn2+ phosphors with different charge compensators for warm white light emitting diodes      $!& +!- Optics Express< Novel red phosphors Na2CaSiO4:Eu3+ for light-emitting diodes    !" 7Synthesis and characterization of YNbTiO6:Dy3+ phosphor:g�hf[b�Ng^\Effect of repetitious non-isothermal heat treatment on corrosion behavior of Al-Zn-Mg alloyCorrosion scienceN Corrosion behavior and mechanical properties of Al-Zn-Mg aluminum alloy weld�[�_k��Evaluating the Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Technique for the Prediction of Metal Bioaccumulation in Plants Grown in River SedimentsJournal of Hazardous Materials�Assessment of Potential Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in land-freshwater Interfaces sediments by Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Chemosphere�A scheme to scientifically and accurately assess cadmium pollution of river sediments, through consideration of bioavailability when assessing ecological riskrWill heavy metals in the soils of newly submerged areas threaten the water quality of Danjiangkou Reservoir, China&Ecotoxicology and Environmental SafetyW(g�N�f[b�N�e�emExperimental and numerical study on stress-strain behavior of self-compacting SFRC under uniaxial compression#Construction and Building MaterialslEffects of different deformed steel-fibers on preparation and fundamental properties of self-compacting SFRCWExperimental study on long-term compressive strength of concrete with manufactured sandUExperimental study on tensile strength development of concrete with manufactured sand5u�Rf[b�1gb}Experimental study of subcooled flow boiling heat transfer of water in a circular channel under one-side heating conditions1International Jouornal of heat and mass transfer�Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer of water in a circular channel with a twisted tapeinsert under high and non-uniform heat fluxesApplied Thermal EngineeringpHeat trans<� fer characteristics of subcooled water in a hypervapotron under high mass fluxes and high heat fluxes �_ZrTungsten Oxide Nanofibers Self-assembled Mesoscopic Microspheres as High-performance Electrodes for SupercapacitorElectrochimica Acta�High-energy lithium-ion hybrid supercapacitors composed of hierarchical urchin-like WO3/C anodes and MOF-derived polyhedral hollow carbon cathodes Nanoscale�Heterogeneous phosphorus-doped WO3-x/ nitrogen-doped carbon nanowires with high rate and long life for advanced lithium-ion capacitors Journal of Materials Chemistry AhTiO`Programmable Modulation of Membrane Permeability of Proteinosome upon Multiple Stimuli ResponsesACS Macro LettersRMultifunctional and Programmable Modulated Interface Reac-tions on Proteinosomes. "ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces�NfN�mb�Study on hydrophobicity degradation of gas diffusion layer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells Energy Conversion and ManagementvPreparation of microporous layer for proton exchange membrane fuel cell by usingpolyvinylpyrrolidone�aqueous solution(International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyGPt-nanoflower�as high performance�electrocatalyst�for fuel cell vehicle4l)Rf[b��[SfOmProject Delivery System Selection with Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Group Decision-Making Method  Group Decision and Negotiation {Study on Added-Value Sharing Ratio of Large EPC Hydropower Project Based on Target Cost Contract: A Perspective from China SustainabilityR Compensation mechanism for urban water environment treatment PPP project in China Journal of Cleaner ProductionT�TSO�] z;`bSy��vOS6e�vRM��$R!j�W �|�~�] zt��N�[��� b; � ��� -%�ruv  d����MbP?_*+��%�� �� ����&}�'}�'�?'}�'}�'�?(9��8���?)9��8���?�" RX}�'}�'�?}�'}�'�?�&�U} U B} �B} � B} �=C}  D}  E-�@�B������� � � J I IIIIIX@�@�����������@H@� F�GGGG� H� I� I� J� J~ K�?� K� K� L� L � KKK� L � L ~ K@� K� K � L � L � KKK� L� L~ K@� K� K� L� L� KKK� L� L� KKK� L� L� KKK� L� L� KKK� L� L~ K@� K� K� M� M� KKK� N� L� KKK� M � L� KKK� M!� M"� KKK� M#� M$� KKK� N%� L&� KKK� M'� M(� KKK� M)� M$� KKK� O*� M~ K@� K+� K,� P-� Q.� KKK� Q/� Q.~ K@� K� K0� R1� S2� KKK� R3� S4� KKK� R5� S4� KKK� R6� S7~ K@� K8� K9� T:� M;� KKK� T<� M;� KKK� T=� M;� KKK� T>� M;~ K @� K?� K@� LA� LB� KKK� LC� UD�D�l FF,F,F,,,,F,,,,,,,,F,F,,,F,,,F �@! @"�#�@$�%�&�'�(�)�*�+�,� KKK� LE� LB~ !K"@� !K?� !KF� !LG� !LH� "KKK� "LI� "LJ� #KKK� #LK� #LL~ $K$@� $K� $KM� $LN� $LO� %KKK� %LP� %LQ~ &K&@� &K� &KR� &QS� &QT� 'KKK� 'VU� 'QV� (KKK� (QW� (QV~ )K(@� )KX� )KY� )WZ� )W[� *KKK� *W\� *W]� +KKK� +W^� +W_� ,KKK� ,W`� ,Xa���,F,,F,F,,F,,>�$@d  � �*%  !#$%&(),   !#$%&(),   !#$%&(),gg����D  ���� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �����i�Y�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������@���@���@���@���������@����@����@���������@������������������������������������������������������������������ �������Oh��+'��0�H�PXh x � ���RꖅhѐO�@P��G��@lV1O��@�T��Microsoft ExcelDocumentSummaryInformation8������������H����������������������������������������՜.��+,��D��՜.��+,���l8�@H \d�NCWU �(\�dlKSOProductBuildVer�2052-